The 4 Best Mental Tips For Building Patience Skills

4 Best Mental Tips For Building Patience Skills

Here Are The 4 Best Mental Tips for Building Patience Skills for sports, work, family, and life.

Patience is the new mental toughness and will remain the last barrier on the hierarchy for anyone wanting to reach their full potential with confidence and focus

1- Urgency trumps the important

Stress, anxiety, and being over-whelmed are a result of the immediate over the important. 

Researchers coined the term ‘Mere Urgency Effect.’

When we fail to value our time properly, we succumb to the urgent. 

2- We Have An Action Bias 

Doing something in every circumstance is valued greater than thinking or reflecting. 

Unfortunately, when adversity hits, and we continue to do something, mistakes occur. 

We need to decide slowly, but act with commitment. Patience is why D-Day in WWII was so successful. 

How To Achieve Patience

Check Out The Mental Toughness Book I Can’t Wait To Be Patient

3- We “Can’t Wait”

No one says they “can’t wait” to be in pain or under pressure. 

So, how is it that we “can’t wait” for that birthday party, conference, or tournament?

Time is undefeated. 

No one can speed up time during the tough times and slow down time during the good times.

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4-  If You Can Wait, Then You Can Win

The mental game is more about subtraction than addition. 

Removing frustration, annoyances, and distractions improves our disposition, grit, and attitude.

The 4 Best Mental Tips For Building Patience skills  improves our capacity to endure, handle, and cope with the setbacks

Time is our most precious resource. make sure we are using it wisely and it’ll help our overall mental game! 

Dr. Rob Bell is a Sport Psychology Coach. DRB & associates coach executives and professional athletes. Some clients have included three different winners on the PGA Tour, Indy Eleven, University of Notre Dame, Marriott, and Walgreens.