My Speaking Topic to Marriott

Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or just need some support?

Yuna provides personalized guidance for stress, anxiety, and resilience. She also offers a safe space to chat about anything on your mind. Engage in meaningful conversations and take the first step today.

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The good times DON’T last, which is proof that the bad times CAN’T last!

The power of time and our most precious resource is actually rooted in the good times!

This too shall pass is powerful and an effective coping strategy for all of us! It is a reminder that no matter how bad our situation, this too shall pass, and we just need to keep moving!

The truth of this statement and that it’s not just some pithy saying is that no matter how good a situation, nor how great of a vacation or summer break or championship, time still moves on…And that’s okay!

It’s not about the SETBACK, it’s about the COMEBACK