Just ONE WAY to build grit . . .

Just ONE WAY To Build Grit

Before the Super Bowl, 49ers Quarterback Steve Young was finally going to win and get the “monkey off of his back.” He was prepared.

He memorized all 300 plays with his quarterback coach Mike Shanahan. 

Basically, we need to prepare as if we’ve never won, and play like we’ve never lost. 

The night before the game after going through every single play, Coach Shanahan told Steve Young, “Let’s do it just 1 more time.” After he completed it again, the coach told him “Okay, now you’re ready.”

One way to build grit is through our preparation. 

The good ones practice until they get it right, the great ones practice until they can’t get it wrong.

The way to build grit and mental toughness is to approach every task with the attitude of  just one more. It is when we are most tired, spent, and mentally or physically exhausted that we need to push ourselves. Great coaches help us do this as well! 

This is the time that we can dig deep, or that we can just do what everyone else is doing. It is only during these instances that we can get exponentially better.

The key in life and sustained progress is doing just 1 more. 

In everything that you do today and moving forward,  JUST DO ONE MORE.  It doesn’t matter what your just 1 more is either, we are all athletes, our offices are just different. 

What takes place when you implement this is that you start to build a pattern. You build a habit. You start to change your identity and you’ve built a new mental skill!

The best part is that it becomes a compound rate of return! The more you exercise this muscle, the stronger it’ll be for when you need it most. This is just one way to build grit of course! We are the result of the people we meet and the books that we’ve read as well. 

Read just 1 more page from your book.

  • Write one more paragraph.

  • Make 1 more sales call.

  • Take 1 more shot.

  • Run 1 more lap.

  • Finish just one more rep.

Here’s how to implement your own way to build grit.

Choose an area for today that you’ll really push yourself and when you’re exhausted and ready to stop, you’ll do just 1 more. That is the one way to build grit. Execute it. Get it done!

 Dr. Rob Bell is a Sport Psychology Coach. DRB & associates coach executives and professional athletes. Some clients have included three different winners on the PGA Tour, Indy Eleven, University of Notre Dame, Marriott, and Walgreens. Check Out All The Books Keynote Speaking On Mental Toughness Mental Toughness Podcast as we interview expert athletes and coaches about Mental Strength and their Hinge Moment.New Blog Posts are published weekly. Follow on Twitter @drrobbell Follow on Instagram @drrobbell