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In 2021, Do This Growth Technique Instead Of Goals…
In 2021, Do This Technique Instead Of Goals…
If you’ve followed me for an extended period of time, (and chances are you’ve haven’t), then you’ll have come across my disdain for goals.
I’m not against setting goals of course, they are effective! It’s just that goals get perverted into only outcome based objectives; we need to do this growth technique.
In fact, here are some of our previous posts on goals.
One of the major benefits that we need in life isn’t by looking forward as much as it is looking at our past or even our current state. 2020 taught us much about ourselves and our own hurts, headaches, and hang-ups. So, instead of goals, try this technique.
When we examine how we are doing right now, our mood dictates our answer. If we are basking in the glory of a win or great performance, then we are happy and pleased.
However, if we have recently not done as well as we liked, then we are sad and angry or depressed.
Our mood fluctuates because we are conditioned by a mindset of scarcity. (Even if we are good, it’s not for very long).
We often focus only on the negative and where we lack in life. You don’t have as much money as you want, not as much success, not as many friends or toys, or not as happy as you want.
We all look at life and are not content, even though we have all we need, we are still left wanting more…
I’m all about improvement and being the BEST at Getting BETTER. It’s just about approaching improvement and progress from a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity.
[Tweet “It’s just approaching improvement and progress from a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity. “]
In 2021, instead of goals this year, focus on gratitude instead.
The benefits of thanks and gratitude are numerous and in fact, it’s where we need to start the process of getting better and improvement. I’m not a believer in an attitude of gratitude.
I believe in an action of gratitude.
We need to take certain steps toward having an abundance mindset.
That’s why for this year, instead, try keeping a thanks journal.
Write out and reflect on what is positive right now in your life, even if awful stuff is happening.
You can begin by focusing on people in your life and what you admire or are thankful about them. This is a choice, you can bask in the negativity of a loved one or the annoying quirk that they have, or you can be thankful for their good qualities or how they positively impact you.
Remember, everyone is a coach.
Your gratitude muscle and abundance mindset will improve if you just keep a thanks journal a few times a week.
Pray and if that doesn’t work, pray again. Take a few minutes just to be thankful. We don’t need to be in wonder of the splendor to be grateful, but to focus on the obvious and the mundane and to still remain grateful.
[Tweet “We don’t need to be in wonder of the splendor, but to focus on the obvious and the mundane and to be grateful. “]
I can wake up in the morning and be in a state of anxiousness right away by what someone else has or hasn’t done. Or I can take a few moments and address the blessings that are in my life that I take for granted.
It’s sad, but I take for granted my ability to walk, or work out, or access to fresh water, or my health or my kids loving smiles, or that I’m even alive!
It’s a choice to be hateful or grateful. But we have to exercise this choice, it doesn’t come naturally for me. Or maybe it does for you! If it does, let me know how you do it.
We can’t be hateful and grateful at the same time however. Instead of goals this year, focus on keeping a thanks journal, making gratitude close to your heart, and enjoying the little things that we take for granted.
Remember, Make it a GREAT year, unless of course you have other plans.
Dr. Rob Bell is a Sport Psychology Coach. DRB & associates coach executives and professional athletes. Some clients have included three different winners on the PGA Tour, Indy Eleven, University of Notre Dame, Marriott, and Walgreens.
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