How An Olympic Failure Changed History

It's not about the setback, it's about the comeback

How an Olympic Failure Changed History Forever

The 1952 Olympics may be the most influential regarding sporting accomplishments and setbacks.

It was the 4th place finish by a British runner that changed history. This 4th place finisher ran the 1500M is 3:46, which was just outside of winning the bronze medal. Besides, 4th is the worst place to finish…

But, the reason why you know the 4th place finisher’s name and not the Gold Medal Winner, Joseph Barthel, was because of the COMEBACK!

 Roger Gilbert Bannister made a commitment BECAUSE of his disappointing 4th place finish at the Olympics that HE was going to be the first to break the 4-minute mile!

In 1954, Roger Bannister became the first to do so!