6 quick videos that will re-ignite your confidence…

Isn’t it interesting how things seem to get better when it’s going well, and yet worse when things are going bad?

6 quick videos that will re-ignite your confidence…

What if we can break the cycle of negativity? 

I hate losing confidence, but it happens from time to time. However, too often I meet successful people that simply don’t have the inner self-belief in themselves. We can’t afford to lose confidence!  It’s NOT about motivation, it’s about belief.

Nothing can stop an inspired person whose time has come! It’s about becoming something greater!

re-ignite your confidence
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Billy Mills ~ Every Passion Has It’s Destiny! BEST ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE OF ALL-TIME. 

Susan Boyle- “I Dreamed a Dream!” Watch to the laughter turn to tears…

Capt. Sully~ “It was the worst pit of your stomach feeling”   Miracle on The Hudson

We trust these 6 videos can re-ignite your confidence and belief. Remember, we need to marinate our mind with mental toughness! #pukeandrally 

Dr. Rob Bell is a Sport Psychology Coach. DRB & associates coach executives and professional athletes. Some clients have included three different winners on the PGA Tour, Indy Eleven, University of Notre Dame, Marriott, and Walgreens.