5 Ways To Keep Your Sanity Intact and Thrive During This Time

5 ways to keep your sanity intact and thrive during this time…

WE ARE ALL IN THIS… But not together…

We experience it differently. 

  • Those with infants, school-aged children, teenagers, and NO kids have it different. 

  • People that can work from home experience it differently.

  • Mothers who are trying to teach their own kids from home AND their own classroom experience it differently.

  • Nurses, health-care workers, and the like who are on the front lines every day have it different.

  • Residents of nursing homes have it different.

  • Those who can’t work have it different.

  • Those who are forced to work have it different.

  • Illinois is different than California.

  • New York City has it differently than Georgia.

  • We all have opinions about the virus itself and its impact.

  • We all have “takes” on opening up the country and world.

  • We all have fear, indecision, and uncertainty.

5 ways to keep your sanity intact and thrive during this time…

1. Have a Morning Routine. 

Dr. Rob Bell is a Sport Psychology Coach. DRB & associates coach executives and professional athletes. Some clients have included three different winners on the PGA Tour, Indy Eleven, University of Notre Dame, Marriott, and Walgreens. 
