5 Ways Parents Crush Confidence (Do This INSTEAD)

5 ways to crush some's confidence

5 Ways Parents Crush Confidence (Do This INSTEAD)

This infographic was designed specifically for parents because I hate it when I accidentally crush my own kids’ confidence. I’m a dad and realize how parents crush confidence in their kids…

But, below is good advice if you’re a coach as well.

Unfortunately, if you are a Lex Luther type of person who just wants to kill someone’s confidence, then do some work on yourself. 

I clearly remember my senior year of baseball when I made an error at shortstop. It was a hard-hit ground ball that simply jumped and hit me in the chest and I didn’t make the play.

I wasn’t that upset about it because it was a bad hop. But, when I got back to the dugout and coach called everyone together, he verbally challenged me if I could even play that position.

“Um, yes sir.” 


Now, I was never a great hitter, but I worked tons on fielding and felt I was a great short-stop.

But that feedback from the coach, in front of everyone, made me question everything and wonder if I really could play that position.

I deliver keynotes and talk about to this day. 

  1. Call out someone in front of their peers, that’s a way parents crush confidence.

That experience and feedback stayed with me and frankly, I played like crap the entire year at shortstop. 

I don’t blame coach, I just didn’t have the mental toughness tools. I didn’t know how to bounce-back and not let that outside stuff bother me.  I didn’t know how to properly let go of mistakes.

It sucked and I wish I could go back and give that high-school kid some advice. 

It is more common that parents crush confidence than it is to build it up.

Confidence is contagious…

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Here’s the five ways parents crush confidence. 

parents crush confidence

 Dr. Rob Bell is a Sport Psychology Coach. DRB & associates coach executives and professional athletes. Some clients have included three different winners on the PGA Tour, Indy Eleven, University of Notre Dame, Marriott, and Walgreens. Check Out All The Books Keynote Speaking On Mental Toughness Mental Toughness Podcast as we interview expert athletes and coaches about Mental Strength and their Hinge Moment.New Blog Posts are published weekly. Follow on Twitter @drrobbell Follow on Instagram @drrobbell