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4 Simple Ways: How To Achieve Patience
How To Achieve Patience
(The Fastest Way Possible)
We are designed to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible.
To illustrate, which program would you buy?
How to be rich in 90 days or less?
How to be rich in 7-9 years?
This illustrates the appeal that speed has in our lives.
We assume speed and quickness equates to an easier path. We look at the example above and think of the time rather than the product. Seriously, who wouldn’t want a faster way?
We do not get in our car, plug in the GPS, and pick the slowest path. Life is the same way; we are built to start our journey and reach the mountaintop of results as efficiently as possible.
We value speed and quickness!
The importance we place on speed is also how we value time. And our hardwiring itself suggests that the speed of time is the most valuable resource. Society relishes and romanticizes ultra-high-speed and quickness.
Tools such as “Insta,” “mobile ordering,” “5G or 6G or 7G internet speed,” “binge watching,” “same-day delivery,” “artificial intelligence,” and “live betting” have all made such activities in life way faster and seemingly more convenient.
These examples reveal the massive increase of speed in society as a whole. Technology has quickened the rhythm of life. And as a result of increased tempo and cadence of life, our patience has decreased.
Before we look at how to achieve patience, we must ask ourselves “why.”
When access to goods, people, and services are readily available, “Why” should we have patience?
“Life” is complex with kids, travel, bank accounts, appointments, and activities. Burned out, overwhelmed, worried, rushed, and tired are descriptors that are common and relatable. Society as a whole has reported that we are more rushed, hurried, anxious, and pressed for time than during any other time period.
It has also been reported a “time famine” exists because there is simply too much to do.
The irony is that we have more available ‘time’ to us now than at any point in history. We possess more leisure time than ever before. However, because we are programmed for quickness, our leisure time has even sped up.
But many think of time as an opponent. It must become an ally, not an opponent, in order to win the challenges we face. The product takes patience, and no matter how much we adore speed and quickness, we can’t fast forward the process. How can I increase my patience?
Patience is the path to our overall mental health, mental wellness, and performance.
Patience is the new mental toughness!
Check out our new book:
4 Simple Ways On How To Achieve Patience
1.Patience is a process, not a destination.
There will be tests and teachers of patience, but one never actually arrives at “Hey, I’m patient.” We merely become better and well-equipped at handling, dealing, and coping with the stressors of life. Situations and circumstances vary.
The more over-whelmed we become, the more patience we need.
2.This too shall pass
If things are going poorly, remember, this too shall pass.
If things are going great, unfortunately, this too shall pass.
We can’t have it both ways.
The relationship with how to achieve patience must be rooted in acceptance. We must accept situations as temporary, both good and bad. We must accept situations and people as they are, not as we shall have them. And this is tough!
Patience is intended as a liberator of your circumstances. Time is our most precious resource and acceptance of this fact should be freeing.
3.Focus on rhythm, not speed
Stress is a result of not being able to slow down.
It’s caused by too much time spent on the unimportant. Anxiety occurs when our mind is flooded with a meteor shower of “what-ifs.” There’s a better path instead of focusing on the speed from point A to point B.
Rhythm is quickness under control.
Routines can help create rhythm and a proper cadence of life.
There are natural routines that we do on the daily, from waking up, exercising, or brushing our teeth. Meetings, events, and even important decisions can have a rhythm to them and the most efficient ones have a familiar routine and structure.
4.Plan for flow
Flow happens naturally, we can’t force it.
However, we can put ourselves into situations that require our sole focus and attention.
The fastest way on how to achieve patience is to plan out your week, the Sunday evening before, or just plan for the next day ahead. There will be head winds and adjustments, but it will help keep the main thing the main thing.
We need to plan for times when we will be totally immersed into the daily activities at hand. This helps allow for our rhythm to unfold.
The largest obstacle of flow is the starting and stopping of trivial actions. The task switching or context switching stems from replying to emails, calls, or commenting on LinkedIn, and taking five minutes here and there. These interruptions interfere with the major goal, which is total immersion into the task at hand. However, the more often we switch, the more it tasks our mental energy.
We can better achieve flow and being in the moment by starting small and allowing increments of time to focus (e.g. for the next thirty minutes, I will stay completely immersed in the activity at hand with no interruptions or distractions).
Check out our new book:
Dr. Rob Bell is a Sport Psychology Coach. DRB & associates coach executives and professional athletes. Some clients have included three different winners on the PGA Tour, Indy Eleven, University of Notre Dame, Marriott, and Walgreens.
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