11 Ways To Instantly Improve Your Mental Toughness in 2024

11 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Mental Toughness in 2024

Mental Toughness is defined as a) how you perform under pressure and b) how you deal, handle, & cope with adversity, struggle, and the setback. However, Mental Toughness is also caught more than it is taught. 

We get the test first and the lesson afterwards.

ways to improve your mental toughness in 2024
  1. Don’t Get Offended Easily-

We can either be happy or correct, but no matter what—don’t be a victim, because it removes your power.  Focus on what you can control and see #11. 

11 ways to improve your mental toughness

2. Cold Shower or Ice Bath- 

I do them every single day. But, the way to instantly improve your mental toughness is to start with 30 seconds of complete cold shower. End every shower with the cold. “Invite the cold in and you’ll keep a cold out.” – Wim Hof

11 ways to instantly improve your mental toughness in 2024

3. Sign-up for a race or challenge. 

This is a simple one… Sign-up! It’s the first step to crushing any race or goal. You must have a mountain to climb and a goal to train for. It is the only way to stay engaged and enjoying the journey. 

improve mental toughness in 2024

4. Manage Your Expectations

Expectations rise faster than results.

We constantly move the goal-posts for our own success. This creates anxiety, strife, and a never-ending battle for joy. Instead, stay focused on the process and your attitude and behaviors. 

marinate your mind

5. Marinate Your Mind 

Watch documentaries, listen to podcasts, talk with uplifting people. When we witness other people doing amazing stuff, it shows us that we can do it as well. It’s a strong builder of confidence. 

hire a coach to improve your mental toughness in 2024

6. Hire a Coach

Everyone needs a coach. Make the investment in yourself, because a great mental coach takes you someplace that you want to go! No one gets there alone. 

set up an AM Routine to instantly improve your mental toughness

 7. Set up a bullet-proof morning routine

The first hour of the day sets the rudder for the rest. How we schedule our AM is paramount to instantly improve your mental toughness in 2024.  Work-out, meditate, prayer, quiet-time, or whatever it is, do it everyday. 

You don’t have to be crazy about your routine, but you do have to be consistent! 

build confidence to instantly improve your mental toughness in 2024

8. Build Confidence 

“Start believing so you can understand, not trying to understand so you can believe.” 

remove something to instantly improve your mental toughness in 2024

9. Remove something

“If you want to gain knowledge then add something everyday, however, if you want to gain wisdom, then remove something!” – Lao Tzu 

There may be something holding you back that needs removed. 

Tip more to instantly improve your mental toughness in 2024

10. Tip More 

When you focus on helping someone else then you help yourself at the same time. This is one way to make someone else’s day and week. Try leaving a hefty tip that you normally wouldn’t. 

move on to instantly improve your mental toughness in 2024

11. Move On 

Once you let go of “it.” Then “it” lets go of you. However, this is also one of the hardest skills of building mental toughness

Instantly improve your mental toughness in 2024 by moving on from mistakes, headaches, and setbacks.

11 ways to instantly increase your mental toughness in 2022

Too many academics need to publish their own definition to warrant acclaim and significance, but I’m a cash & carry guy. Keep it simple…Simple is powerful. These are the trusted and tested ways to improve your mental strength! 

The IMPORTANCE of instantly improving your mental toughness in 2024 is The Hinge! 

We are all getting ready for a Hinge Moment. The one person, event, or decision that connects who we are with who we become! But, since we don’t know when that hinge will arrive, it is our role to build and improve our mental state to just BE READY! 

Dr. Rob Bell is a Sport Psychology Coach. DRB & associates coach executives and professional athletes. Some clients have included three different winners on the PGA Tour, Indy Eleven, University of Notre Dame, Marriott, and Walgreens.